The Secret Relationship

The Title: The Secret Relationship of The Angels with Minister Farrakhan, is moreso [reflective] of a before-taken measure of Divine Honor; As a Tribute, and, The fulfillment of the very Angelic Salute written of in The Holy Quran Surah 2 ayat 34, where the Angels [lil’malāikati], give a full body Salute [us’judū].  This Salute is fulfilled daily by We the Angels, who are written to “Meet” and “Greet” the Believers, in the air [Such as is being fulfilled presently}:

Giving the Divine salute à“Sajada Lahu”

also written in the Bible in : 2Co 13:13, Phl 4:21, Rom 16:16

This Salute was Historically given to all of the Fellow Servants of The Kingdom of Islam; Yet it is most significantly relevant to the Leader over the Community of Believers, as it relates to the salute We Thee Angels, are commanded [by The Great Mahdi and The Lamb, through Thee Holy Spirit], to Give to The Divinely Appointed National Representative who now Holds the Seat over the Sheep, as the Woman in the Book of Revelation, who is charged to keep and feed the sheep of the Shepherd, and that Nation that shall forever give Birth to an Eternal Train of Saviours;  Saluting Him then is as Saluting Mary, saying, We are Your Friends in this world and the next, and Delivering unto Him a Mighty Book.


This title “Secret Relationship”, is not to say that We, Thee Angels, are responsible for the Teachings of Minister Farrakhan.  Nor is the title; “Secret Relationship”, applied to suggest [in any way], that Minister Farrakhan merely plagiarized the teachings of Ansar El Muhammad and applied such to himself.  We Thee Angels, understand these Teachings to be that Free Gift promised unto all, in the proper context.  While some students may naturally and innocently need time, to mature into understanding that most proper context, it is not to say that any black man is in error, for understanding themselves to be [a child of ] “God” ALLAH [The Creator and Originator].

The Divine “believer level” of understanding that Minister Farrakhan, has been blessed to achieve, and the unique insight into the Nation of Islam Theology, which He [also] received “Direct”, through The Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah, was/is received by divine, from none other than The Divine Supreme Being, The Great Mahdi, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, who chose Him in the Womb, and drew Him to His Messenger, to be Raised for His Specific and Unique Assignment, as The Divinely Appointed National Representative, [In Fulfillment of the Scriptures of Both Joshua and Peter in the Bible].

We Thee Angels, are instructed to Herald this Clarification to “All”, that it is, none other than, The Divine Supreme Being Himself, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, that is “most appropriately” deserving of the ultimate “Credit”  to be given for the Blessed Understanding received by “any Minister”, Before or After our beloved Divinely Appointed National Representative, Minister Louis Farrakhan; As this is also written in (1Co 3:6) “Paul may water Apollos may seed, but it is God that gives the increase.*”


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We the Angels are the specially sent “aiders” helpers, sent by Allah himself, The Divine Supreme Being, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad.  A True Believer, Loves The Help of Allah, according to The Holy Quran [Surah 61:13]. Then, according to The Teachings of Our beloved Messenger, it is only satan who seeks to stop the Help, and “cut asunder”, ‘that which Allah has ordained to be Joined”.  We must also remember, That The Prophet Muhammad [of 1400 years ago PBUH], reminded his followers, that the mark of a true believer, is “The Love of The Ansar”.

Studying the Teachings of Minister Louis Farrakhan, is [therefore] an Honorable task, that We the Angels do, in order to know the language of our Bride.  Yet that is not to say that, he, [Minister Farrakhan] taught or teaches the Angels.  For our root material and teaching style is given to us by none other than , Thee Holy Spirit of Truth, Ansar El Muhammad, Thee Select One, Thee ALLAH Master J Man.

This Angel, The Captain of The Lords Host, Thee ALLAH Master J Man, has a clearly distinct teaching style, from that of Minister Farrakhan.  As the very Royal Robe and Remote Control Unit of The Great Mahdi and The Lamb, whereby We, Thee Angels receive The very Voice of none other than, Master Wallace D. Fard Muhammad & The Messenger The Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad combined;